How does your product compare with Sherwin Williams LOXON 40% Silane Water Repellant LX31T840 in terms of finish and performance. We have applied the Sherwin Williams product on Saltillo Tiles with excellent results. Our property is located in the Leeward Islands, Eastern Caribbean
We haven't done a direct comparison but they appear to be very similar.
If I do decorative painting on walkway concrete with artist grade acrylic aerosol paint, will this product change the appearance or colors? Also does it provide any UV protection? If not, do you have a product that can be applied with this penetrating barrier to offer UV protection?
This product does change the texture or appearance of the concrete however any product on top of the concrete will prevent it from penetrating. Typically, for your application, I would suggest a surface sealer over penetrating sealer. Surface sealers would give you the UV protection you are looking for.
Depending on finish we have a few options for you.
Can I use this product on concrete that has been sealed
No. It needs to be unsealed so it can penetrate in to the concrete.
How long after concrete is poured can you apply this sealer?
You should wait a full 28 days before applying this sealer.
are any warranties available for this product?
There is no specific waranty offered on this product as applications may vary due to temperature, and other conditions out of the control of the manufacturer.
What temp can it be applied
40 to 90 degrees Farenheit
I am looking to seal my recently poured garage floor but plan to epoxy coat it in the summer . Can I use this without having to strip when I go to epoxy it ? Missouri weather .
This is a penetrating sealer, so you cant really strip it anyway. Depending on the type of epoxy, you have different prep requirements so need to look in to that and make sure you can apply it to a sealed surface.
How long does an application last
Up to 10 years depending on the conditions.
Can I apply a second coat after the first is dry? I was scared it was going to change the look of some block I used it on, so I didn’t apply the 2nd cost. Now it looks great and wish I would have done the second.
It needs to be a wet on wet application for a second coat.
How long will it take to dry
2-6 hours
Is the product non slip.
This product does not change the texture of the concrete as it is a penetrating sealer, not a surface sealer.
can this product be applied with a roller?
If sprayed on inside a garage, on dry/raw concrete, how many square feet can one coat cover?
Approximately 150 square feet per gallon
If you clean the surface with a product like Wet&Forget or bleach, can Barricade Silane 40 be applied afterwards?
Yes, however any chemical used to clean the surface should always be fully cleaned off, and the surface allowed to fully dry prior to application.
What is the use life on these barrels? Do they have an expiration?
In an unopened container, the shelf life is 2 years.
Is this product available in a smaller amount?
Sorry, it is not available in a smaller size.
How many square feet does a 5 gallon pail cover?
Depends on the concrete but for instance driveways are 100 to 150 sqft per gallon. Smooth concrete is 150 to 250.
Can you achieve a water proofing membrane requirements and would you recommend using it on pool ceilings kinda like red guard? Can I paint on top of it?
It would depend on what the requirements are for the waterproofing membrane. I would not reccomend this product for a overhead application. It is not thick enough to apply overhead. Also, paint most likely would not adhere to the surface afte it has been sealed.
Were can I purchase in area 48840
Sorry, I don't have a list of other distributors in your area. Also, due to your states VOC restrictions, this product is not able to go to your state.
What amount of cleaning is required for a parking lot or sidewalk that is 3 years old? Is leaf blower enough if concrete appears clean?
I would recommend a pressure washer. I don't think a leaf blower would get all of the stuck on dirt.
Is the Barricade Silane 40 an appropriate product for a flagstone patio or is something else a better solution in Southeast Michigan.
Also considering a wet look option.
Baracade is a penetrating sealer, but don't think it will penetrate in to Flagstone. You would be better off with a surface sealer
If rolled on, will 1 gallon still cover 150 square feet?
If applied correctly, it should still cover the same square footage as spraying.
Can it be rolled on vs. spray on?
Yes, it can be sprayed or rolled. The biggest thing is to make sure it doesnt puddle.
How often does it need to be applied in a high traffic area
Assuming exterior, roughly every 5 years